Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Sometimes something happens and it can just make you really happy in life. You end up walking around with this huge grin on your face for a time and people look at you funny, wondering what is wrong with you. Suddenly you find that you are more confident and things seem to just be okay.

Thank you happiness for visiting me and bringing me such a wonderful release from the stresses of my current world. Thank you for shining a ray of hope down on me.

Vicki and I are training today and tomorrow. We are training on Trial Balance functionality as well as export to tax and M3... I am not quite sure why I was selected for this training. Not to say that I am not knowledgeable about these aspects of the program, honestly, and trying not to toot my own horn on this one, I am darn smart when it comes to our software. There is almost no aspect of the software I am not knowledgeable about.

However, out of all the aspects of our program, the two areas that I am the least strong in are Tax and M3. I suppose I should consider this an opportunity to grow my knowledge.

After all, why try and give up this happiness that I have!

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