Thursday, October 4, 2007

A sad thing, really...

So i get this voice mail today informing me that my landlord, who is already kicking me to the curb after living in this apartment for like darn near 4 years, is breaking into my place and throwing everything out!

For those not in the know, I JUST got my new place yesterday, literally. Now if you scroll down and look at the post where I announce that I am getting kicked to the curb, you will realize that it has not been 30 days since I got my notice. Furthermore, Kansas state law prohibits a landlord from entering a property without notifying the tenant first and setting up an acceptable time. Beyond this, in order to a landlord in the state of Kansas to "toss yer shit out" they have to follow proper eviction protocols.

The ONLY legal way to evict a tenant in the state of Kansas is to first, file an eviction with the court, then, after the set waiting period, you must appear in court, at which time the tenant has so many days to get their stuff out before the landlord comes back with the sheriff. It is ONLY at this point that the landlord can come in and do something with your belongings.

Fortunately I think he was merely trying to blow smoke up my skirt, because when I FINALLY got off the phone tonight at darn near 8 o'clock, and got back to the apartment, I found absolutely nothing out of place. So now, I have almost everything I own packed into my car, my tiny little sport compact coupe Tiburon...

Other than my furniture, I think I have just about everything. There are some computers over there still, servers and my macs, I did leave my paintball marker there because I just couldn't fit it in safely. Other than that, I should be able to get everything that is left in one truck load...

It feels good to have not much I think. For so long my life was burdened down by owning so much crap! I remember when we moved to PA, we had so much stuff that it barely fit int he u-haul, moving back we had so much crap that we filled a third of a semi truck, and then a minivan... AND we left stuff there!!! Now, here I am, sitting in a small car, I can still see out the back even, and this represents the majority of my non-furniture possessions.

Doing the garden, digging the weeds
Who could ask for more?