Saturday, September 15, 2007

Please don't

I am trying really hard at this point not to read to much into things. In the past I have run into problems when I did that. I think that is sound advice maybe?

It seems to me as if we sometimes become so wrapped up in our own "mystery" that we forget how to communicate in a straight forward manner. I have always tried to be a person who says what they mean and mean what they say. I think this is part of why I have a hard time taking a hint sometimes.

So at the same time I am working on being able to "take a hint" without reading too much into things. This seems reasonable to me, even if it is at some psychotic level. It is when we thrive to better ourselves and stop focusing on what those around us have done to us that we can really grow. I am trying to grow.

I really don't want that, you just don't understand, this is something of mine, and I can't let you take that from me. Let me have this and let me move on.

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