Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I touched it!

Note: The names below have been changed to protect the innocent!

One of our Release leads apparently picked up an iPhone recently. I get this IM from MR X, one of our cross over seasonals who bounces back and forth between support and testing. He tells me that he was amazed at how thin the iPhone was. This is exactly how our conversation went...

(11:07:40 AM) MR X:
i just held an iPhone... :P
(11:08:44 AM) Me (MSN):
(11:08:46 AM) Me (MSN):
(11:08:47 AM) Me (MSN):
(11:08:49 AM) Me (MSN):
someone has one?
(11:08:51 AM) Me (MSN):
(11:08:52 AM) Me (MSN):
(11:08:53 AM) Me (MSN):
(11:08:54 AM) Me (MSN):
(11:08:55 AM) Me (MSN):
I want
(11:09:10 AM) MR X:
MS iPhone lol
(11:09:14 AM) Me (MSN):
freakin A
(11:09:18 AM) Me (MSN):
I am SO hers
(11:09:24 AM) Me (MSN):
she can have me if I can use that
(11:09:43 AM) MR X:
she is single... lol
(11:10:50 AM) Me (MSN):

Now, before anyone decides to go out shopping for my birthday that is coming up in a couple months, I really CAN'T get an iPhone yet. I promised myself that I was going to wait for the 3rd gen, assuming they have a model then that can hold my entire collection. I have over 40 GB of music right now, so even an 8 Gig iPhone is completely useless to me as an mp3 player.

I did go over and oogle it though. It is thin, sleek, and oh so smexy! The first thing I did was open up the notepad application and typed out "Hello my name is Jesse" Except that with my fat thumbs I was missing everywhere. Amazingly enough, the finished sentence was perfect... it even knew my friggin NAME!!!

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